Alfonso Rao
Director, Dip. Dent Chieti, Dip Implant Dentistry

Dr Alfonso Rao graduated from the University of Chieti, Italy, in 2007. Aged just 23, he was the youngest of his year group.
He practised oral surgery in Pescara, Napoli and Caserta before moving to Bristol, where he opened Queen Square Dental Clinic and Delta Training Academy. He now owns several clinics in the city and across the Southwest.
Alfonso has completed training at the Eastman Institute in London and Implantology training from Los Angeles Global Institute for Education.
He is a member of the Association of Dental Implantology and the British Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry.
Alfonso is a prominent trainer and lecturer. He is also a brand ambassador for several global implantology brands including Strauman, Geistlich and NSK.

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